Different varieties of cardamom from the Alta Verapaz Region

  • Organic - Jumbo Bold Green

    This quality is mainly used for milling, the color and size of the grain ranges from 6 mm to 8.5 mm. It is sufficient that it is a seasoned grain.

  • Organic - Bold green

    Cardamom with diameters between 6.5 and 8 mm. Intense green color, seasoned cardamom without being completely ripe, its sugar concentration is intermediate, so we can say that it is of medium sweetness. It is aromatic with notes of Eugenol and Cineol predominantly in its essential and volatile oils.

  • Organic Pale Green 2nd

    Cardamom of pale green color, between 6.5 and 8 mm. these pods show a tendency towards yellow tones, which is given by maturity or direct exposure to sunlight. It is a seasoned bean, of intense aroma, with high sugar concentration, its aroma is fruity notes.

  • Organic - MYQ

    cardamom in ranges of yellow, brown and dark brown coloration, its interpretation is quality mixed yellows. They are in a range of 6.5 to 8.5 mm in diameter. It is a physiologically mature bean, with very good aroma and high sugar content.

  • Organic - Unpicked

    This quality is mainly used for milling, the color and size of the grain ranges from 6 mm to 8.5 mm. It is sufficient that it is a seasoned grain.

  • Organic - Cardamom Seeds

    This quality is called cardamom in gold, it is very aromatic, the seed sizes range from 1 to 3 mm in diameter. The density of this product to be of quality must be higher than 650 gr/liter. This indicates that these are seasoned cardamom seeds,

  • Organic Seeds TBC

    This quality corresponds to ground cardamom seeds, it is called tea bag cut (TBC), this is prepared for infusions, with particle sizes that are above the sieve 60 and below the sieve 20. Which tells us that it is a fairly ordinary grinding, which its purpose is not to come out of the filter paper of the tea bags.

  • Organic Seed Powder

    This quality corresponds to cardamom seed powder, used in culinary, bakery and confectionery. with a fine grinding.

  • Cardamom unpicked retrimmed

    This quality corresponds to unpicked cardamom, i.e. size and color are not so important. The cardamom kernel is passed through a grinder, which peels the cardamom pod to expose the seed, seasoned cardamom is used, with good aroma and flavor. This is used for preparations, where both the peel and the seed are used.

  • Organic Cardamom Essential Oil

    This product is extracted by the vapor entrainment method.

    And it is basically dragging its essential oils, and making them easily available to the user, who can use it in many ways. It has extensive therapeutic properties when used externally.

For more information on cardamom qualities, please contact us at info@nuevakerala.com

